Our Positive Parenting Routine as We Head out of Lockdown – Oscar aged 21 Months

My little O was only 8 months old when we went into lockdown in March 2020, meaning he’s led more of his in lockdown than out… the ‘new normal’ is his normal. Face masks, hand sanitiser and social distancing are what he knows and he’s seen so little of family and friends or life as we (used to) know it!

A routine with a toddler in lockdown is like a real life Groundhog day. Every day is the same with no baby classes to go to, no trips to the zoo, no non-essential shopping and only being able to meet friends outside. Now we’re heading out of lockdown it’s such a relief to have a varied day again and be able to take Oscar to lots of different things. He’s 21 months old now and I thought I’d shared with you our current routine that’s working really well for us!


Oscar’s day starts around 7.30 / 8am, I let him wake up naturally unless we have specific plans but he does wake up pretty much at the same time each day. I go and collect from his baby nursery and bring him into our room for a bottle and cuddles to ease us all into the day.


Oscar doesn’t tend to want breakfast until 9am so I make something for him (usually simple like cereal and fruit) and we have our breakfast together. I’m well in need of a coffee by then! I try and shower and get ready myself when Mr S is still here and can play with Oscar for a bit – no more getting ready slowly for me – normally it’s a shower make up and dressed in 15 minutes. When it comes to getting Oscar ready I brush his teeth and apply various creams – he’s had a flair up of eczema recently so I’m currently using three different creams to keep that at bay. I then get him dressed, I like to keep him really comfortable so he’s usually in a t-shirt or vest and jogging bottoms. The new Mothercare range at Boots is a great place to buy baby clothing such as these gorgeously soft and stretchy ‘Dino and Friends’ t-shirts, these cotton joggers and these bibs. This safari themed changing mat is from Boots at Mothercare too and it goes perfectly with our nursery decor.

10.30 / 11am

This is Oscar’s playtime. Now that baby groups are open we usually head out the door with Oscar in one of his baby pushchairs to gym class, music class or one of our local support groups. If we’re not doing that we’ll meet a friend and go to the park or playground… I’m someone that likes to be around lots of people so solitary walks in the park have never been my cup of tea.

If it’s bad weather or we don’t have a class we’ll do some free play at home… Oscar loves tea parties, puzzles, reading books, stacking blocks and sticker books. 

These cute finger puppets are also part of the Mothercare range at Boots.


It’s Oscar’s lunch time!

Oscar used to be an amazing eater but in the last few months he started getting really fussy. Something that I have found really helps to get through the fussiness is giving him his own tables and chairs. Oscar now loves having his lunch at his little table and eats so much more when he’s given his independence. His adorable little bib is from Mothercare at Boots too, it has an absorbent towelling backing to keep spills at bay.


After lunch it’s a quick change and a story or song before his nap. As soon as he’s tucked up in bed, it’s time for me to get to work. Admittedly during lockdown I had very little motivation and I’d often go and lie in bed myself during Oscar’s nap. Now things are opening up and the days are lighter and warmer, I’m feeling much more motivated and I’ve been working hard on my blog and Instagram again. I spend most of Oscar nap (which is a good 2 – 3 hours) working on my blog, doing life admin, planning our renovation or sorting the flat out.

Oscar wakes up at about 4.30pm and I give him some water, a snack and 15 minutes of TV to ease him back into the day. If it’s the weekend we pop him in the baby car seat and drive down to visit relatives as we are now allowed to sit in people’s gardens. During the week when it’s just Oscar and I we often visit my sister and her boys who live close by. We were lucky enough to be in bubble for a while so we spent a lot of time together for the past year. Last week my sister had a little cousins party for her eldest Charlie, so Oscar and I came round to play in teepees!


Sometimes we have dinner at Jen’s and sometimes back at home but I usually give Oscar his dinner about now. Oscar will have his bath straight after dinner and then I wrap him up in a fluffy towel like this gorgeous lion one from Mothercare at Boots.
At this point we wind down, I allow him some TV before the screens go off and its time for milk and some books. Lockdown life means I allowed Oscar’s bedtime to creep a little late but I’m planning to rectify that with things getting back to normal.
Oscar’s Peppa Pig pjs are from Mothercare at Boots, he absolutely loves them! Mr S usually does this part of Oscar’s nighttime routine as it means they can spend some time together. We’ve found Oscar loves a cuddle and to listen to some music to chill him out before bed. We then pop him in his sleeping bag and into his cot and he chills for a bit and falls asleep in about twenty minutes giving Mr S and I some time together!

This is our current routine and it’s working really well for us. I’d love to know what’s working for you at the moment.

*This post is in conjunction with Boots UK but all thoughts are my own.