Ten Reasons Why it’s Great to Travel When You’re Pregnant

If you’re pregnant maybe travel is the last thing on your mind but during my pregnancy it occurred to me that actually it’s a really great time to go away! So whether it’s for work, your babymoon, a girls trip or a staycation… here are ten reasons why it’s great to travel when pregnant.

1. You Get Special Treatment

A big baby bump is a major reason for a free upgrade, a bit of extra pampering at your hotel or simply someone giving up their seat in a crowded cafe or on public transport. Be sure to mention that you’re due (even if it’s just to confirm dietary requirements) or if you’re on a babymoon and you never know what little extras the hotel might give… like this super cute gift from Four Seasons Geneva.

2. There’s Less Pressure to Do Everything

I was more than 20 weeks pregnant during my trips to Stockholm, Geneva and Sicily and feeling tired and with the beginnings of back pain. Usually I’d be creating Excel spreadsheets of activities and making sure I didn’t miss out on seeing all the important things, and mentally beating myself up if I did. On these trips, my tiredness and aches and pains meant I allowed myself to go with the flow more, meaning no day trips, less long scheduled tours (apart from our Jeep trip in Stockholm) and more time relaxing in the hotel.

Taking the pressure off meant a more enjoyable time for me and more opportunity to make the most of the beautiful hotels we’d chosen.

3. A More Relaxed Attitude to the Restaurants that We Visited

Before pregnancy when I was planning a trip I’d be scouring the Michelin guides and World’s Best Restaurant lists thinking where are the very best places that we can go in a destination. But my pregnant self wanted to go places that didn’t serve overly fancy food that suit my food aversion, smaller appetite and the dietary requirements of pregnancy. I didn’t want to go to multi-Michelin places anyway, knowing there was so much I couldn’t eat and wouldn’t be able to make the most of it.

I still did my research and still wanted great food but was able to be more relaxed about not getting those hard to obtain reservations. In Sicily we didn’t even make reservations in advance at all and the concierge recommended and booked our restaurants on the day.

4. Saving Money 

Following on from the above point, because I avoided three Michelin-star restaurants and other super fancy places, we weren’t paying those bills either! My avoidance of alcohol also meant there was no champagne or cocktail hour and as Mr S isn’t a big drinker he’d just have a glass of wine or two at dinner so we weren’t ordering a bottle. 

5. An Excuse to Travel Business Class

And if you’re saving money on food and drink, you might as well travel business class… though we only took short haul flights when I was pregnant, we still travelled in business… and while I was sad to say no to the free champagne.. it was great to have use of airport lounges, no queues to stand around in, priority boarding, larger baggage allowance and more space on the plane. In later pregnancy I would have been very uncomfortable travelling long haul in economy as my back has been so sore. Or a similar note, treat yourself to private transfers when there and avoid the discomfort of public transport.

6. Eating For Two

Since being pregnant I’ve discovered ‘eating for two’ is the biggest myth perpetuated about pregnancy. I’ve actually been able to eat about half the portion sizes that I’d normally have… but even so pregnancy and holidays are two times to indulge your cravings so I haven’t felt so bad about swapping salads for pizzas and ordering a side of fries as well as my usual veggies. Oh and an ice cream (or two) a day in Italy is basically the law isn’t it?

7. Your Other half will treat you like a Queen

I’ve always been Mr S’s princess but carrying our first child makes your relationship even more special… and him much more willing to bring me ice cream on demand, glasses of water and give back rubs. The usual Instagram husband duties were taken a little more seriously too…

8. There’s no need to go out of your comfort zone

I’ve always used travel and travel blogging as a chance to get out of my comfort zone, whether that be staying in the Australian rainforest, skiing for the first time or taking light aircraft… but when pregnant not only is it unnecessary to push yourself out of the comfort zone … it’s actually pretty silly… meaning I can sit back relax and not attempt to do things that scare me!

9. Spa time!

And with no pressure of adventure and no chance to sit drinking cocktails by the pool… what is there to do? Well make good use of the spa of course! So many hotels and spa do pregnancy massages and if they don’t it might be great time to get your hair or nails done and make yourself feel good.

10. Time to ‘do you’

Having that new (oh so small and cute) addition to your life will change absolutely everything. Not only that but it’ll take a long time to feel even close to your old self in terms of your activities, your lifestyle and your body. Travel is a chance to really revel in your old self, get lots of sleep, enjoy your independence and spend one on time with your partner or friend. It’s the excuse to finally visit that destination, hotel, restaurant, park … that you’ve always wanted to visit and be in your own head space.