The Ten Commandments of Travel Blogging

We always see those oh-so-perfect colour co-ordinated Instagram feeds, the life of a travel blogger always seems so ideal. But things can sometimes go so horribly wrong…follow my ten commandments of travel blogging to avoid sticky situations…

1. Thou Shall Not Work with Animals or Children…

And if you do, never get in the way of them sneezing.

2. Thou Shall Keep a Firm Hold of Your Valuables

Or face the consequences…read about the time I *almost* lost my wedding ring whilst travelling First Class with British Airways.

3. Thou Shall Find the Right Travel Companion

I’d be in trouble if I didn’t say Mr S was my perfect travel companion, read my top tips for travelling as a couple to avoid unnecessary fall outs.

4. Thou Shall Travel to the Right Place and The Right time of Year
Avoid fog in San Francisco, the rainy season in the Caribbean and the crowds in Rome by checking out my guide of where to go, and when.

5. Thou Shall Always keep Spare Underwear in your Hand Luggage…
Read all about how I had to spend days wearing Mr S’s underpants after my luggage didn’t turn up.

6. Thou Shall Not Give in to FOMO

Never try and see so much that you end up feeling exhausted! Read my tips to avoid encountering the dreaded Fear of Missing Out!

7. Thou Shall Plan Meticulously to get the Best out of you Trip 
Read my tips on how to get your spreadsheets in order so you don’t end up missing out on the best a destination has to offer.

8. Thou Shall Read other Blog Posts to find the Best Things to Do
You know your favourite bloggers so check out what they did in order to avoid making mistakes… Read my favourite travel resources

9. Thou Shall Always Get the Best Deals…but Never Compromise
Read my advice for travelling in luxury for less, whilst still staying in the best places.

10. Thou Shall Get Some Relaxation Time

Don’t kill yourself with creating content make sure you get some pool time! Here are my top hotel pools
And my top private pools

Those are my top tips for avoiding travel disaster! What are yours?